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Information for exhibitors

Ferret must have a valid rabies and distemper vaccination. We accept vaccination at least 1 month and maximum 1 year old. 

All ferrets must have veterinary confirmation about clinical health of ferret and about absence of scabies old no longer than 3 days before contest.

Ferret with flue, diarrhea, ECE, which are pregnant longer than 14 days. Must stay at home. All ferrets which will not be accepted in entrance veterinary check up, we cannot allow participation on contest without refund of fees.

No mating of ferrets is allowed during the show. However, you can choose a breeding partner for your ferret. 

Breeding by other organisations during the exhibition without prior arrangement is not permitted. If found out, the organizers will require financial compensation.

Your other pets please leave at home, they have no allowed entrance to exhibition.

Organizers have no responsibility for damages made by exhibitor or his ferrets. They have no responsible for wellbeing ferret except time of assessment of animal.